El Dorado Irrigation District
Home Sitemap ContactAnnexation
Parcels must be within District boundaries to be eligible for service. Any parcel that is currently outside District boundaries may apply for annexation, provided that the parcel is contiguous with current District boundaries. Contact Development Services at (530) 642-4028 or services@eid.org to determine if annexation will be required for your property.
The first step with EID to initiate the annexation process is the submission of a Facility Improvement Letter Request for Annexation (FILA). This FIL review will evaluate existing District infrastructure and determine required improvements and/or upgrades necessary to serve the proposed development. If the District determines the cost-benefit analysis of the proposed project to be positive, staff will recommended annexation and the application for annexation can then be submitted.
Application for Annexation is made to both EID and El Dorado County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). Please refer to Administrative Regulation 11010-Attachment A, Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees/Deposits/Charges for the applicable deposit required at the time of application. Please refer to LAFCO’s website at www.edlafco.us or call (530) 295-2707 for information on their application and fee requirements.
EID staff will present the annexation request to the EID Board of Directors. If the Board approves proceeding with the annexation, LAFCO is notified of the District’s approval and LAFCO’s process continues. Depending on the location of the parcel(s), the United States Bureau of Reclamation (Bureau) review/approval of the annexation may be required. An additional deposit for Bureau expenses will be required prior to submitting the annexation request to the Bureau. Please be advised that Bureau review of cultural and environmental surveys for the proposed development can take a year or longer, depending on the scope of the project. Please contact Development Services staff at (530) 642-4028 or by email at services@eid.org to verify the current impact fee for your parcel(s) and if Bureau review will be required.
Upon LAFCO approval and Bureau approval, if applicable, the State Board of Equalization records the inclusion. The parcel(s) are then included in the El Dorado Irrigation District boundaries and eligible to receive services.