EID was formally organized in 1925 under the Irrigation District Act (Water Code §§ 20500 et seq.).
We now service over 130,000 customers with safe and reliable drinking water. Our customers' needs are as broad-ranging as our service area’s stunning natural diversity.
Today, the District provides drinking water, wastewater collection and treatment, and recycled water for residential, commercial and industrial needs over significant portions of western El Dorado County. We also own and operate a federally licensed 21-megawatt hydroelectric power Plant (Project 184) that includes dams, four reservoirs, and 23 miles of flumes, canals, siphons, and tunnels. And, own and operate multiple day-use outdoor recreation facilities, including the award winning Sly Park Recreation Area and a 48-unit campground at Silver Lake.
The District’s facilities and delivery infrastructure serves more than 43,000 water accounts and includes over 1,122 miles of pipeline, 27 miles of ditches, 5 treatment plants, 36 storage reservoirs, and 38 pumping stations. The wastewater system, with nearly 24,000 accounts, operates 60 lift stations, 460 miles of pipeline and 4 treatment facilities. El Dorado Hills and Deer Creek wastewater plants produce 3,500 acre-feet of recycled water for use in front and backyard irrigation at over 5,500 homes, commercial entities, and public spaces. The District's service area is spread over 220 square miles that ranges from 500 feet in elevation to over 7,000. We manage all the facilities and infrastructure with approximately 230 highly skilled employees.